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Soft-Output Demapper with Approximated LLR for DVB-T2 Systems
Publication type | Conference paper |
Year of publication | 2015 |
Authors | Giuseppe Baruffa and Luca Rugini |
Title | Soft-Output Demapper with Approximated LLR for DVB-T2 Systems |
Conference name | IEEE Globecom 2015 |
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Pages | 1–6 |
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Publisher | IEEE |
Date | December 2015 |
Place | San Diego, CA, USA |
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ISBN number | 978-1-4799-5952-5 |
Key words | DVB-T2, Log-likelihood ratio, LDPC, Multipath, Soft-output demapper |
Abstract | Bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) is at the heart of the second generation digital terrestrial television systems (DVB-T2), which achieves a large spectral efficiency by means of high-order quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. This paper proposes a simple but effective approximation for the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) of the bits estimated by the soft-output QAM demapper. The proposed approximation, which keeps few dominant terms of the LLR expression, needs low additional complexity with respect to the conventional Max-Log approximation. Simulation results for DVB-T2 in multipath channels show a performance gain with respect to the Max-Log approach, especially for QAM with large modulation order. |
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