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Adaptive error protection coding for wireless transmission of Motion JPEG 2000 video
Publication type | Journal paper |
Year of publication | 2016 |
Authors | Giuseppe Baruffa and Fabrizio Frescura |
Title | Adaptive error protection coding for wireless transmission of Motion JPEG 2000 video |
Journal title | EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing |
Volume | 2016 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 1–20 |
Editor | |
Publisher | Springer Open |
Date | December 2016 |
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ISSN number | 1687-5281 |
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Key words | Motion JPEG 2000,Wireless video transmission,Lagrangian optimization,Unequal error protection,Forward error correction |
Abstract | The delivery of video over wireless, error-prone transmission channels requires careful allocation of channel and source code rates, given the available bandwidth. In this paper, we present a theoretical framework to find an optimal joint channel and source code rate allocation, by considering an intra-coded video compression standard such as Motion JPEG 2000 and an error-prone wireless transmission channel. Lagrangian optimization is used to find the optimal code rate allocation, from a PSNR perspective, starting from commonly available source coding outputs, such as intermediate rate-distortion traces. The algorithm is simple and adaptive both on the available bandwidth and on the transmission channel conditions, and it has a low computational complexity. Simulation results, using Reed-Solomon (R-S) coding, show that the achieved performance, in terms of PSNR and MSSIM, is comparable with that of other methods reported in literature. In addition, a simplified and sub-optimal expression for determining the channel code assignment is also provided. |
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