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Adaptive Error Protection for the Streaming of Motion JPEG 2000 Video over Variable Bit Error Rate Channels
Publication type | Conference paper |
Year of publication | 2015 |
Authors | Giuseppe Baruffa and Fabrizio Frescura |
Title | Adaptive Error Protection for the Streaming of Motion JPEG 2000 Video over Variable Bit Error Rate Channels |
Conference name | IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2015) |
Volume | |
Issue | |
Pages | 124–127 |
Editor | |
Publisher | IEEE |
Date | December 2015 |
Place | Miami, FL, USA |
ISSN number | |
ISBN number | 978-1-5090-0379-2 |
Key words | Motion JPEG 2000, Lagrangian optimization, binary symmetric channel, wireless multimedia |
Abstract | In this paper we present a technique that can be used for optimizing the streaming of Motion JPEG 2000 video when the communication channel can be abstracted as a binary symmetric channel (BSC), characterized by a certain slowly variable rate of transmission errors. The video is packetized and every packet is protected with a Reed-Solomon forward error correction (FEC) code and then sent on the communication channel. The FEC helps to recover from erased/error-affected source information bytes at the receiver/decoder. The optimized amount of error protection is chosen by using an uncomplicated mathematical expression, given the knowledge of the channel status. In particular, we show the results of simulations that outline the robustness of this technique and its clear advantage over more trivial solutions. |
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DOI | |
Other information | Presentation in PDF format |
Paper | ![]() |