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D1.2 Specification of Systems and Workflows

Publication typeTechnical report
Year of publication2007
AuthorsPedro Correa, Fabrizio Frescura, Giuseppe Baruffa, Gianluca Reali, Mauro Femminella, and Dario Di Sorte
TitleD1.2 Specification of Systems and Workflows
Journal title
PublisherEDCINE - Enhanced Digital Cinema, Integrated Project Priority 2 - IST-038454
Date 2007
ISSN number
ISBN number
Key wordsDigital Cinema, Specifications, Network, Streaming, Beyond DCI, Archives, Quality Assessment, JPEG2000
AbstractThis documents contains the EDCINE systems and workflows specifications, divided in the three main targeted applications, delivery to theatre, advanced digital cinema and archives. Today Digital Cinema is transferred to theatres by file transfer (e.g. using a satellite link) of by physical transfer of removable medias (like DVD-ROM of Hard disk drives. One of the objectives of EDCINE is to find reliable solutions to do this transfer by movie content streaming over an IP network or a DVB transmission. This solution may lead to new business model and applications like live events (as it is possible actually using MPEG-2 content delivery) and high quality (Near) Movie on Demand. EDCINE in particular will study advanced wireless distribution based upon a mesh network using WiMAX for being able to deliver Digital Cinema up to local theatre or even private theatres. New applications require a study in terms of user requirements and overall architecture specifications. Furthermore, these specifications will also cover the way the system will be assess technically but also in terms of user satisfaction. In the D1.1 document, user requirements for the Digital Cinema streaming to theatres have been analysed, that will be mapped here into specifications. Two main scenarios have been identified: * Distribution of Pre-recorded Movies (Movie-on-Demand) * Live Events Delivery Concerning the advanced digital cinema, EDCINE will develop techniques and processes to improve the current specifications coming from the DCI. A constraint in this work will be to keep the content compliant with the DCI requirements and to add features that will enhance the Digital Cinema in Europe. In a third part, this document describes the conceptual layout of the EDCINE Digital Film Archive System and gives an overview of the components that are required to accomplish these main goals. Detailed specifications and further information on application-specific details of the envisaged file formats and software modules can be found in the D6.5 deliverable of the EDCINE Project. The proposed system architecture is based on well-established models and international standards that are widely recognised in the world of archives and in the film industry. It is modelled after the user requirements that are documented in deliverable D1.1 and additionally tries to leave enough room and flexibility for future extensions to take care of requirements that are not yet known or may change in the future. Also requirements and with them system details are expected to change according to new insights and experiences gained during the overall development process and testing with real archive material. We see these changes not as disturbance for the development process but as an opportunity to better meet the actual requirements of film archives.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51