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D4.4 – Module
Publication type | Technical report |
Year of publication | 2014 |
Authors | R. Marsalek, Tomas Kratochvil, J. Bartyzal, M. Simandl, F. Iorio, A. Di Cola, M. Montanari, I. De Francesco, F. Barcio, L. Di Cintio, Paolo Banelli, Giuseppe Baruffa, and Luca Rugini |
Title | D4.4 – Module |
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Publisher | ENIAC ARTEMOS 270683-2 |
Date | 2014 |
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Key words | Spectrum/interference sensing, PAPR, ACPR, predistorter, software modulator, DVB-T, encoder, H.264, H.265, FPGA, OMAP |
Abstract | BUT and TESLA describe the functionality and integration of the software modules for spectrum/interference sensing, adaptive PAPR reduction with monitoring of ACPR in the feedback path and digital LUT-based predistorter adaptation using the recursive least squares method. The blocks are developed for the USRP N2x0 software defined radios.
UNIPG describes in detail the implementation of a software-reprogrammable digital television broadcasting modulator implemented using a regular desktop PC and a customized, but regularly available, radio-frequency waveform generation board.
A short introduction to software defined radio is provided, and the main tools used for achieving the real-time transmission goal of video are presented. Another chapter is dedicated to the detailed description of the algorithms implemented for achieving the target. Eventually, one chapter reports tests and performance results.
TCI developed a H.264 encoder for DTV standard and to carry an architectural and feasibility study about an H.265 encoder. These kinds of encoders are able to achieve high quality video in relatively low bitrates and so their use can go from low resolution mobile devices to high definition systems (HDTV, Blu-ray, etc.).
After an introduction about video compression, an overview about the hardware and video encoders that are being studied is given. |
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