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A modified algorithm for the fast computation of even and odd order intermodulation products

Publication typeJournal paper
Year of publication2005
AuthorsGiuseppe Baruffa, Gianluca Reali, and Saverio Cacopardi
TitleA modified algorithm for the fast computation of even and odd order intermodulation products
Journal titleIEEE Communications Letters
DateFebruary 2005
ISSN number1089-7798
ISBN number
Key words
AbstractIntermodulation products (IMPs) generated by nonlinearly operated devices may cause severe problems and interference in the bandwidth of interest. This is especially true when odd order intermodulations are considered. In this case, the products fall in the same service frequency zone that has generated them. However, in some cases, even order intermodulations are produced, which do not fall in the same zone, but occupy by chance the second, adjacent, harmonic zone, generally devoted to a different service, thus compromising its performance. This paper extends an algorithm that can compute the position of even and odd order IMPs in a fast and computationally efficient way, thus allowing both the optimisation of the shape of the spectrum and the evaluation of the nonlinear effects.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51