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Mesh based and object oriented MCTF wavelet coding exploiting GA motion optimization

Publication typeConference paper
Year of publication2004
AuthorsCesare Feci, Massimo Valiani, Fabrizio Frescura, and Saverio Cacopardi
TitleMesh based and object oriented MCTF wavelet coding exploiting GA motion optimization
Conference name2004 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics
DateSeptember 2004
PlaceReading, UK
ISSN number
ISBN number0-7803-8527-6
Key words3D wavelet transform, genetic algorithms (GA) motion estimation optimization, image segmentation
AbstractThis paper presents a video compression scheme based on 3D wavelet transform and MCTF optimization obtained using Genetic Algorithms. Genomes for the GA optimization problem are associations between triangular meshes built over the acquired frames. Object tracking algorithms and Block Matching Algorithms (BMA) are adopted for triangular meshes generation.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51