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Enhanced digital satellite TV broadcasting using multi-resolution techniques

Publication typeConference paper
Year of publication1997
AuthorsGiuseppe Baruffa, Saverio Cacopardi, Fabrizio Frescura, and Gianluca Reali
TitleEnhanced digital satellite TV broadcasting using multi-resolution techniques
Conference nameEuropean Conference on Satellite Communications (ECSC-4)
DateNovember 1997
PlaceRome, Italy
ISSN number
ISBN number
Key words
AbstractThis paper belongs to the framework of digital satellite communications for television applications. We propose a solution that, while maintaining compatibility with the DVB-S, permits to enhance potentials for satellite services. In particular, we consider a possible solution for providing internet satellite services by exploiting system margins while keeping unchanged the functionality of the already existing receivers by means of the multi-resolution approach.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51