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Digital linearizer for RF amplifiers

Publication typeJournal paper
Year of publication1997
AuthorsSante Andreoli, H. G. McClure, Paolo Banelli, and Saverio Cacopardi
TitleDigital linearizer for RF amplifiers
Journal titleIEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
DateMarch 1997
ISSN number0018-9316
ISBN number
Key wordsAmplifier, High power, Linearity, Broadcasting, Signal distortion, Non linear distortion, Modulation, Simulation
AbstractBroadcast technology is at the beginning of a new era. It is characterized by the intensive use of the most advanced digital modulations formats (8VSB, QAM, OFDM) in combination with high power RF amplifiers. To date the linearity required for these digital formats has only been accomplished in cumbersome low efficiency class A amplifier or even more cumbersome feed-forward systems. A potentially more efficient and cost effective approach is the combination of non linear power amplifiers and a predistortion technique capable of compensating for the non linear amplifiers. Digital predistortion will provide a highly linear output and improved efficiency. Itelc6 has developed a digital adaptive base band predistorter to provide for improved performance and cost. The technique is independent of the modulation type, the output frequency, or the signal bandwidth. Furthermore the capability of automatic adaptive predistortion to compensate for the environment (temperature, power supply variations, aging ,and even operation during replacement of a faulty module) is highly desirable.
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Last update: 2015-10-12, 16:44:51