PYUV: raw video sequence player
During our research activity, we have to deal sometimes with raw sequences that must be source encoded before being transmitted, let's say, with DVB-T. Of course, there are a number of players out there, but not so many are capable to display the raw sequence before it has been encoded. In terms of rawness, such sequences can be either in native RGB format or, more often, in YUV format (sometimes, there is also a VIX format).
There are some specially crafted players which can satisfy your needs, but many of them are designed only for Windows, thus keeping out all Linux and Mac users. Well, I hope that this new player that I'm introducing here can satisfy all the needs:
- It plays RGB and YUV sequences
- It runs under Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X
- It is not written in Java or .NET, so it is extremely fast
- It uses wxWidgets as GUI, making it consistent with your preferred environment
- It is free: you can use it for your purposes without any sort of restriction
Read the help to learn the capabilities of this program.
Download some precompiled binaries from here.
Download source code from GitHub.
I have some screenshots to show to you.

Pyuv on Linux/Windows: startup screen.
Pyuv on Windows/Linux: Foreman sequence.
HD 720p sequence in Pyuv.
4K 2160p sequence in Pyuv
Other YUV/RAW players
- YUV File Player, free, no source, Win32
- YUV Player Deluxe, commercial, no source, Win32
- YUV Genius, free, source, Win32
- VisGenie, free, source, Win32
- Emily 2004, free, source, Win32
- YUV Image Player, free, source, Win32
- GLYUVPlay, free, no source, MacOS X
- Elecard YUV Viewer, commercial, no source, Win32
- YUVPlayer, commercial, no source, Win32
- Ns YUV Player, commercial, no source, Win32
- Videometer, free, source, Linux
- MPlayer, free, source, Win32/Linux/MacOS
- YUV video player, free, source, Linux
- MultiView YUV Player, free, no source, Win32
- Drastic Preview, commercial, no source, win32
- YUV Player, free, no source, Win32
- Yuvviewer, ?, no source, Java
- YuvViewer for Java, free, source, Java
- YUVviewer, free, source, Win32